Coding Standards to Enhance Development

21 Sep 2017

Coding Standards to Enhance Development

Coding Standards are very helpful but sometimes they are a pain. When reading code, it helps and it’s easy to the eye, you can see where the function ends and where the variables are called. Also, when learning a new program, coding standards can help the developer by preventing confusion or any doubts that might occur throughout the code. I have used coding standards for a while, I once had a T.A. that would refuse to look at my code until my code check style checked. Check style is the coding standard for Java that we used, at first, I did not understand why people would spend time doing this, if the code worked that should be all that matters.

After a while I decided to try it out and I quickly realized why people do it and how it could help me. ESLint reminds me a lot of the check style that I used so personally it is not that bad for me, however there are still some errors that I do not agree with. When reading and writing code, it does help if the developer took the time to write the code in coding standards because it makes the code easier to read for everyone. If I am developing a small program for testing or just to figure out something, I don’t believe coding standards are necessary because the code is not meant for the public just for testing purposing. Overall, I do like coding standards because they prevent a lot of confusion but I only like coding standards when I am developing a product that is going to be big and others will need to access it.