Only Smart Questions Allowed!

07 Sep 2017

ONLY Smart Questions Allowed!

Reading the article How to Ask Questions The Smart Way made me change my perspective on asking questions. I personally feel that nowadays a lot of people are extremely lazy and want the answer or result without putting even the littlest of effort into solving the problem. If people continue to be catered to this behavior those people will not understand how to achieve the solution by themselves, this can cause a huge problem in society. Here is an example of a not so smart question: Not so smart question. If you look at this question, the title is unclear and it is obvious that the person did not do their own research. Also, the question is phrased rudely making it seems like the person asking the question is demanding an answer.

If you look at the solution, the person who responded simply corrected the error by making minor fixes in their code. This made it clear that the solution was not difficult and the user could have been solved if the user spent a little more time and effort. On the other hand here is a sincere question from someone who has invested in trying to figure out the problem but genuinely could not figure out the solution: Smart question. If you look at the way the question is phrased, the person states their problem, the error they are getting, the current version they are running, what exactly they are trying to code, pretty much they provide enough information so the problem is clear. The atmosphere of both questions is completely different.

Also, asking questions should not be meant for just one person instead it should answer the question for the future. For example, one question was specific to that person’s problem making it only useful for that one person rather than helping the programming community whereas the other question was more specific and helpful to the programming community. Researching the problem, yourself will grant you a better solution and it would also help out the community by not making the question so specific to your problem. One main thing is to remember that nobody is entitled to a answer, also be polite.