This project was a final project that was a group project. We were assigned to build an application that would make club searching at the University of Hawaii Manoa much easier. At the time, in order to search for a club, the person would need to access a google spreadsheet which was not efficient and not accurate. We needed to develop an application that would be easier to search for the clubs that are offered at UH. We created an application where the clubs would be separated by tags.
We split up the work by pages, since there were 3 members in our groups it came out to roughly a page each. I contributed to the list page, displaying the clubs and sorting the clubs by tags. Also, we all helped one another to link each page together, all of the pages needed to be working together in order for the application to run properly. Throughout this project I learned a lot. It ranged from learning the actual framework to the lines of JavaScript and Underscore.
This project also made certain things clearer for me to understand, and it showed me ways to write code easier. I learned more functions in depth and how to use function effectively. Overall, this was a project that was rich in learning and also a solution to a University problem.
For the source code, please visit: here