The summer of 2017 was quite interesting for me, I started with a lot of free time and then it gradually started diminishing. During the time that I was free, I decided to put my free time to work by investing in a computer. I had never built a computer before and I figured it would be a beneficial summer project. I used PC Part Picker to pick out all the computer parts and check the compatibilities for it.
Once I had all the parts picked out and the money to purchase the parts I ordered all of it at once. Unfortunately, living it Hawaii, you have to pay the price of shipping, the shipping was a ridiculous amount and the estimated time of wait was an extensive amount. Although this was disappointing I was still excited to build my computer.
Eventually parts would come in one by one, but I did not want to start building until I got all the parts in. After all the parts came in I built, the process was somewhat confusing but mainly tedious. The cables were by far the worst part of the process, I wanted to organize the cables in a manner so that I would know what goes where. Once the computer was built I needed an Operating System and decided to put Windows 10.
Prior to building a PC, I knew little about the hardware that was involved in a computer. Also throughout the process of building I would do my own research on what hardware did what and how the computer actually operated. This project definitely taught me the inside and outside of PC’s.
Best website to start building a PC on (Personal opinion): PC Part Picker.